Name of the place
Jebel Akhdar
Jebel Akhdar
The height of the Green Mountain is 2,980 meters, and the journey from Muscat to the mountain takes approximately two hours, and access to it is only permitted by four-wheel drive vehicles. And in the summer, the temperature reaches 22 degrees Celsius, and because of its location and the distinctive weather in it, the Green Mountain is rich in various fruits such as apricots, peaches, figs, grapes, apples, and pears, as well as almonds, walnuts, and saffron, and the pomegranates found in it are classified among the finest species in the world, and many are spread throughout the mountain. One of the Omani villages whose residents turned some areas of the mountain into terraces to grow their crops.
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Open 24h
November 18, 2024 9:37 pm local time