Name of the place
METU Science and Technology Museum
METU Science and Technology Museum
The METU Museum of Science and Technology is a museum established within the campus of the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, and aims to present modern technological tools in addition to displaying the technological past of Turkey. The museum was opened in 2005 AD, and it extends over an area of 10,000 square meters with an open exhibition area and 3,500 square meters in a closed area, and the closed area consists of a main hall (also called the silo), a glass hall for receptions and markets, and an additional building (also called aircraft storage). ), and an audio-visual hall. The museum includes four different sections in the main silo, which are the exhibition of the development of science and technology through the ages, science and technology in our daily life exhibition, the history of the university's science exhibition, and a section displaying the holdings donated by celebrities.
Open 24h
Open 24h
Open 24h
Open 24h
Open 24h
Open 24h
Open 24h
November 23, 2024 9:07 am local time