Name of the place
Temple Of Khonsu
Temple Of Khonsu
Khonsu is one of the ancient pharaonic kings, who had an imprint on the building and renaissance of the state, and he was also distinguished by his ability to exorcise evil spirits, and in honor of him, the pharaonic citizens built this huge temple inside the Karnak campus, which consists of a contemporary courtyard bordered by a gallery of twenty-eight columns, There is also a columned hall connected to the Al-Barrak campus, with open chapels on the left and right, and a staircase leading to the roof. In front of the edifice, there are the remains of a portico bordered by a row of sphinxes.
Open 24h
Open 24h
Open 24h
Open 24h
Open 24h
Open 24h
Open 24h
June 12, 2024 12:39 pm local time